This is a crazy time, and an experience none of us have had before! Being stuck in my house makes me really look at it in a way I haven’t for a long time, and I have been making some drawings of what‘s in my house while it’s what I’ve got to look at.
Using your sketchbook and a pencil, pen, or whatever else you have access to, make a drawing from life of somewhere in your house or room. Look at the examples from all kinds of artists, and think about what emotions their drawings, paintings, and photographs of where they live convey. What could the items you choose to draw say about you, or about what it feels like to be sheltering in place right now?
Using your sketchbook and a pencil, pen, or whatever else you have access to, make a drawing from life of somewhere in your house or room. Look at the examples from all kinds of artists, and think about what emotions their drawings, paintings, and photographs of where they live convey. What could the items you choose to draw say about you, or about what it feels like to be sheltering in place right now?